Leadership Seminars


Our seminars focus on those who aspire to positions of greater authority and influence within their company or organization. 

reflect + renew is focused on increasing work performance, success and satisfaction by utilizing the mindfulness based principles of 'leading and living in the moment.' 

Led by board certified psychiatrists who specialize in career and professional development using mindfulness based stress reduction techniques, our seminars are an optimal learning environment to share and analyze the unique challenges and opportunities facing those in leadership positions.  

Mindfulness leadership is based on ancient principles of meditation and is used by numerous mainstream organizations, like Google, Apple, Target and GM.  

recent article in Forbes outlined the ways a major corporation benefited greatly from mindfulness principles in the workplace.

reflect + renew Mindfulness Leadership Seminars also provide a great opportunity for managers leading teams with direct reports, as well as entrepreneurs and business owners. 

There is a reason Harvard Business Review calls mindfulness a "must have" for the modern executive.  

Contact us today for a consultation!


For booking

Contact reflect + renew to book our workshops and seminars for your organization or group. Competitive rates, real results, improved productivity and wellness lifestyle building.